Some Idiom and Phrases are given below with four options. Select the options which best expresses the meaning of the given idioms.
Q.1 A hard nut to crack
a) Easily encouraged
b) Easily disappointed
c) A difficult problem
d) Not restrained

c) A difficult problem

Q.2 To take French leave
a) Leave without any intimation
b) Acknowledge the host
c) Welcome the host
d) Leave with written permission

a) Leave without any intimation

Q.3 On shank’s mare
a) On a lion
b) On a bicycle
c) On foot
d) On an elephant

c) On foot

Q.4 A snake in the grass
a) A secret enemy
b) A good friend
c) Difficult to find
d) A well-wisher

a) A secret enemy

Q.5 The bee’s knees
a) Observant
b) Police
c) Problematic
d) Extraordinary

d) Extraordinary

Q.6 To throw a fit
a) Faint and fall down
b) Caution someone about fitness
c) Express extreme anger
d) Become unconscious

c) Express extreme anger

Q.7 Bring to light
a) Reveal clearly
b) Praise in public
c) Brighten up
d) Here someone

a) Reveal clearly

Q.8 Hold water
a) To be valid
b) To be fickle
c) To be busy
d) To be deep

a) To be valid

Q.9 Bang for the buck
a) A sorrowful heart
b) Dash against something
c) Less value for money
d) More value for money

d) More value for money

Q.10 Raise the bar
a) To raise the price
b) To win a competition
c) To grow taller
d) To set higher goals

d) To set higher goals

Q.11 To walk on air
a) To be completely free
b) To be very rich
c) To be very happy
d) To feel very depressed

c) To be very happy

Q.12 To take a chill pill
a) To calm down
b) To gulp a tablet for a cold
c) To drink cold water
d) To ask a doctor for medication

a) To calm down

Q.13 Blow one’s own trumpet
a) Follow others
b) Condemn others
c) Praise oneself
d) Be self-reliant

c) Praise oneself

Q.14 Spill the beans
a) Give away a secret
b) Work hard
c) Perform magic
d) Waste money

a) Give away a secret

Q.15 In the same breath
a) Try and hold your breath
b) Practice breathing exercise
c) Say two contradictory things at the same time
d) Able to get a foul smell

c) Say two contradictory things at the same time

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