Some Idiom and Phrases are given below with four options. Select the options which best expresses the meaning of the given idioms.
Q.1 Bark is worse than his bite
a) Threat is worse than the action taken
b) Temper cannot be controlled
c) Ferocious scolding hurt more than his action
d) Anger is always justified

a) Threat is worse than the action taken

Q.2 Throw caution to the winds
a) To be fearful
b) To warn others not to travel
c) To behave recklessly
d) To behave with care and caution

c) To behave recklessly

Q.3 Ill at ease
a) Unwell
b) Irritated
c) Uneasy
d) Confused

c) Uneasy

Q.4 Weal and woe
a) Friends and enemies
b) Be in danger
c) Adversity
d) Good times and bad times

d) Good times and bad times

Q.5 Call in question
a) Summon as a witness
b) Doubtful
c) Prove a theory
d) Challenge

d) Challenge

Q.6 Make both ends meet
a) Live within means
b) Achieve a solution
c) Live among people
d) End of the road

a) Live within means

Q.7 As daft as a brush
a) Extremely silly
b) Artistically inclined
c) Completely clean
d) Utterly selfish

a) Extremely silly

Q.8 In a nutshell
a) In translation
b) A decorative language
c) A well packed parcel
d) Briefly and concisely

d) Briefly and concisely

Q.9 Strain every nerve
a) Try all tricks
b) Work very hard
c) Beg before others
d) Spend a large amount

b) Work very hard

Q.10 Beat around the bush
a) Walk around the forest
b) Clean the bushy areas
c) Avoiding the main topic
d) Play around the forest

c) Avoiding the main topic

Q.11 Make room
a) Clean the room
b) Make space
c) Attain the room
d) Make a clean sweep

b) Make space

Q.12 Mend your ways
a) Happy with one’s behavior
b) Sad with one’s behavior
c) Destroy one’s behavior
d) Improve one’s behaviour

d) Improve one’s behaviour

Q.13 Beggar description
a) Cannot be described
b) Something described by a beggar
c) A poor account of something
d) A description of a beggar

a) Cannot be described

Q.14 Back to square one
a) Move ahead
b) Come to the original point
c) Neglect something
d) Draw a square

b) Come to the original point

Q.15 Dead heat
a) Strong opposition to one’s ideas
b) Close contest that ends in a tie
c) A strong heat wave
d) A deadly blast of hot air

b) Close contest that ends in a tie

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