Que-1) Who programmed the first computer game ‘Spacewar!’ in 1962
(a) Steave Russell
(b) Konard Zuse
(c) Alan Emtage
(d) Tim Berners Lee

(a) Steave Russell

Que-2) Who is known as the father of supercomputing
(a) David J. Brown
(b) Gene Amdahl
(c) Adam Dunkels
(d) Seymour Cray

(d) Seymour Cray

Que-3) Who created the C-programming Language
(a) Ken Thompson
(b) Dennis Ritchie
(c) Robin Milner
(d) Frieder Nake

(b) Dennis Ritchie

Que-4) When NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) was established
(a) 1988
(b) 1997
(c) 1993
(d) 1882

(a) 1988

Que-5) Who is known as the father of Internet
(a) Alan Perlis
(b) Jean E. Sammet
(c) Vint Cerf
(d) Steve Lawrence

(c) Vint Cerf

Que-6) Which one is the first high level programming language
(a) C
(d) C++


Que-7) Which one is the first word processor application
(a) MS Word
(b) Apple I Work
(c) Sun StarOffice
(d) Wordstar

(d) Wordstar

Que-8) Which one is the current fastest Supercomputer in India
(a) Aaditya
(b) SAGA-220
(c) SahasraT
(d) HP Apollo 6000

(c) SahasraT

Que-9) India’s first Super Computer PARAM 8000 was installed in
(a) 1988
(b) 1991
(c) 1995
(d) 1982

(b) 1991

Que-10) Who developed Java Programming Language
(a) James Gosling
(b) Douglas Engelbart
(c) Edmund M. Clarke
(d) James D. Foley

(a) James Gosling

Que-11) Which one is volatile memory in a computer system
(a) Hard disk
(b) RAM
(c) ROM
(d) Optical Drive

(b) RAM

Que-12) One Terabyte (one TB) is equal to
(a) 1028 GB
(b) 1012 GB
(c) 1000 GB
(d) 1024 GB

(d) 1024 GB

Que-13) Who first developed QWERTY keyboard used in computers and phones
(a) Raphael Finkel
(b) Wil Ebbinkhuijsen
(c) Shafi Goldwasser
(d) Christopher Latham Sholes

(d) Christopher Latham Sholes

Que-14) Which operating system is developed and used by Apple Inc
(a) Windows
(b) Android
(c) iOS
(d) UNIX

(c) iOS

Que-15) Linus Torvalds develop which operating system
(a) Windows
(b) Mac OS
(c) UNIX
(d) Linux

(d) Linux

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