Q.1 The examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.
a) Inspection
b) Valuation
c) Introspection
d) Assessment

c) Introspection

Q.2 A medical condition in which somebody partly or completely losses their memory
a) Asphyxia
b) Anaemia
c) Amnesia
d) Alopecia

c) Amnesia

Q.3 In exactly the same words as the original
a) Verbatim
b) Copy
c) Imitation
d) Duplicate

a) Verbatim

Q.4 Showing great attention to detail and correct behavior
a) Disciplined
b) Punctilious
c) Punctual
d) Zealous

b) Punctilious

Q.5 A fictional being form another world
a) Foreigner
b) Alien
c) Stranger
d) Native

b) Alien

Q.6 Formally put an end to a system, practice, or institution
a) Kill
b) Destroy
c) Abolish
d) Stop

c) Abolish

Q.7 A glass container to keep fish
a) Atrium
b) Vase
c) Aquarium
d) Beaker

c) Aquarium

Q.8 Walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace
a) Strut
b) Amble
c) Romp
d) Prance

b) Amble

Q.9 One who supervises students in an examination hall
a) Inspector
b) Examinee
c) Invigilator
d) Teacher

c) Invigilator

Q.10 The study of earthquakes
a) Seismology
b) Geography
c) Topography
d) Geology

a) Seismology

Q.11 A place where clothes are kept
a) Hangar
b) Wardrobe
c) Shaft
d) Coffin

b) Wardrobe

Q.12 A person very reserved in speech
a) Eloquent
b) Confident
c) Adamant
d) Reticent

d) Reticent

Q.13 Something that is genuine
a) Majestic
b) Unreal
c) Academic
d) Authentic

d) Authentic

Q.14 That which is no longer useful
a) Abundant
b) Reluctant
c) Dominant
d) Redundant

d) Redundant

Q.15 Having no moral principles
a) Unaware
b) Mischievous
c) Ethical
d) Unscrupulous

d) Unscrupulous

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