Data Transmission Modes

Data Transmission Modes in Networks

Data Transmission Modes generally means the transferring of data between two networking devices. It is also called as communication mode. Transmission modes defines the direction of flow of signal between two connected devices. There are three modes of transmission namely Simples, Half Duplex and Full Duplex. In this article we discuss briefly about these transmission modes.

(1) Simplex Mode :-

In a simplex data transmission mode communication between sender and receiver occurs only in one direction. The sender can only send data and the receiver can only receive the data. The receiver cannot reply to the sender.
Simplex mode is like a one way road in which the traffic travels only in one direction, no vehicle from the opposite direction is allowed to enter.
For Example, The keyboard can only send the input to the monitor and the monitor can only display the input on the screen. Monitor cannot reply or send feedback to the keyboard.

(2) Half Duplex Mode :-

In this mode of transmission communication between the sender and receiver occurs in both the direction but only one at a time. The sender and receiver both can send and receive the information but only one is allow at a time. Half duplex mode is still consider as a one way road in which a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction of the traffic has to wait till the road in empty.
For Example, in Walkie-talkies the speaker at both ends can speak but they have to speak one by one. Both cannot speak together.

(3) Full Duplex Mode :-

In a Full Duplex transmission mode communication between sender and receiver occur together. The sender and receiver both can transmit and receive at the same time. The Full Duplex transmission mode is like too way road in which traffic can flow in both direction at the same time.
For Example, in a Telephone and Mobiles two people communicate and both are free to speak and listen at the same time.



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