Que-1) Which of the following windows utility is used to display the Drives, folders and files on your computer system?
(a) Windows Explorer
(b) MS Notepad
(c) MS Explorer
(d) Internet Explorer

(a) Windows Explorer

Que-2) Which of the following is an output device?
(a) Joystick
(b) Plotter
(c) Light Pen
(d) Bar Code Reader

(b) Plotter

Que-3) In a Queue, an end at which new elements are added is known as
(a) Top
(b) Rear
(c) Bottom
(d) Front

(b) Rear

Que-4) Number of functions realizable using n Boolean variable is
(a) 2n+1
(b) n2
(c) n2n
(d) 2n

(c) n2n

Que-5) What will be the highest index of the array if N is the total number of elements in the array?
(a) N
(b) N+1
(c) N-2
(d) N-1

(d) N-1

Que-6) Which of the following commands is used to remove privileges from a specific user or role?
(a) Reassign
(b) Remove
(c) Revoke
(d) Reserve

(c) Revoke

Que-7) How may pins does a HDMI type A connector have?
(a) 18
(b) 19
(c) 25
(d) 20

(b) 19

Que-8) Name the process involved in the designing of a circuit that matches the memory requirement of microprocessor unit signal?
(a) Cache
(b) Associative
(c) Virtual
(d) Interfacing

(d) Interfacing

Que-9) Which symbol is used for flow of control?
(a) Arrow
(b) Dashed Arrow
(c) Dotted arrow
(d) Line

(a) Arrow

Que-10) Stacks and Queue are
(a) Primitive data structure
(b) Data types
(c) Non linear data structure
(d) Non primitive data structure

(d) Non primitive data structure

Que-11) Secondary storage is which type of memory?
(a) Non volatile memory
(b) Virtual Memory
(c) Volatile Memory
(d) Cache Memory

(a) Non volatile memory

Que-12) Which of the following if NOT considered as an entity in data modeling?
(a) Employee
(b) Speed
(c) Cars
(d) Books

(b) Speed

Que-13) In which of the following notation the operator comes between the two operands?
(a) Postfix Expression
(b) Infix Expression
(c) Prefix Expression
(d) Priority Expression

(b) Infix Expression

Que-14) Which topology uses multipoint connection?
(a) Star
(b) Ethernet
(c) Bus
(d) Mesh

(c) Bus

Que-15) Adding an element to the stack means
(a) Removing elements form the stack
(b) Placing an element at the front end
(c) Placing an element at the rear end
(d) Placing an element at the top

(d) Placing an element at the top

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